Personal Development
Northcroft School is dedicated to ensuring any child/ young person wishing to re-enter mainstream education at key phases of their educational journey are given the opportunity to when possible.
With this mission in mind Personal Development is at the centre of Northcroft schools learning within SMSC and it is crucial that students are given the opportunity through the school’s curriculum, Thrive programme, and other creative opportunities to develop key skills to become successful contributing members of the community by using the resources around them to build on their characteristics and become independent, successful members of society.
Northcroft schools’ personal development is based on the fundamental values of the Thrive approach, on entry to the school all students have a thrive assessments which identifies what developmental stage they are at. Action plans with key
strategies to support the students to move to right time development is imbedded into the school and monitored every six weeks. Each class also has a class action plan which supports students social development and is part of our PSHE curriculum with the intent to secure our pupils with the skills needed to become independent learners with high self-worth and a sense of identity with developed social skills to support this.
Other ways in which personal development is embedded within Northcroft school is through enrichment activities which are linked to the curriculum and happen every week. Assemblies, Mental health support and check ins, PSHE, and a physical education curriculum which enrich and are often held in the community. It is important to provide our young people with opportunities to access guided support amongst the community to support the implementation of skills learnt through personal development within the school setting, out into society, assisting students with being able to transfer these skills from school into the wider community.