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Support for all years is delivered as modules within the Registration and Curriculum framework.

From the start of life at Northcroft School, pupils are coached into being aware of the reason that they are at school. The greater this awareness, the clearer the goals of the students and the more motivation is evident. This self-motivation is invaluable in terms of success for young people. We actively encourage the ‘I want to be a…’ philosophy from an early age.

Primary school focus: is very much about enrichment trips to support the curriculum while exposing our children to the wider community. During the academic year, the school also invites guest speakers into the school, like the police, firefighters and people who work within the local community.

Year 7 focus: Personal attributes - Working with a PSHE focus, developing self-awareness with a view to future career choices.

Year 8 focus: The importance of education in allowing choice – Ensuring pupils understand the benefits of the combination of experience, qualifications and reference.

Year 9 focus: Qualifications and gaining experience – Building on the work done for guided options students are given a talk about post 16 options focusing on pathways other than A-Levels spotlighting apprenticeships, T-levels and vocational courses. They are also given pastoral tasks aimed and getting them thinking about their future and a visit to university to expand their horizons.

Impartial Career Guidance                                                        

For the academic year 2024-2025 Northcroft School will have an in-house qualified career adviser to support students. 

In addition to 1:1 career appointment in school, the National Careers Service offers appointments with careers advisers.   

The National Careers Service webchat service can be found  here:

Customers can call 0800 100 900 or contact us via email or webchat to speak to a qualified careers adviser.  Phone lines and webchat are now available Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and every Saturday from 10am to 5pm.

Measuring our provision and its impact

We will be assessing the success of our Careers programme using the Compass+ system and measuring ourselves against the Gatsby Benchmarks. This is carried out at least three times a year with an external assessor to check the evidence. We use both face-to-face discussions and Microsoft Forms to gain valuable student voice input, as well as feedback from teaching and support staff on the effectiveness of the programme. We also make use of destination data for school-leavers to inform and review our provision. After every event we also seek feedback from those who have provided their time for how we can improve.